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Advanced usage

It is possible to update the pages information in each paper’s paper.tex. Although this is uncessary, because of cut-proceedings.sh. In case cut-proceedings.sh does not work on your side, this alternative way can be used.

  1. Execute generate-updatepages.sh-from-pages-txt.sh. This generates update-pages.sh.
  2. Execute sh update-pages.sh.
  3. Recompile all pdfs.

Current minimal example

The current minimal example is built using GitHub actions. One can browse to the latest build and then to “Artifacts” to see the generated files. These generated proceedings do not follow the guide lines: The headings of each papers are too long, because the authors and titles are too long. Manual adjustements using the \addpaper commands are required. The minimal example should only show that the commands of the toolchain work.

Implementation documentation

This section discusses some design decisions done when implementing this way to generate proceedings.

slicing: cut-proceedings.sh is an alternative script to slicing.py. It was developed before slicing.py, but puts each paper to a separate sub directory. Currently, it is not used, but left there, because it could get useful sometime.